Teachers Defence Service
GTCS: Provisional Registration and Probation Periods in ScotlandLegal Representation in General Teaching Council for Scotland Cases
GTCS Teaching Probationary Period Law
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Teachers Defence Service represents teachers in General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) Probationary Period and Provisional Registration Applications and Appeals, and Professional Conduct matters.
Below we summarise the main legislative provisions relating to provisional registration and probationary periods. It is not an exhaustive treatise.
Provisional Registration Applications
To be eligible to teach in Scotland, you will need to obtain provisional registration from the General Teaching Council for Scotland and undertake the probation period.
Under the Registration and Standards Rules, Rule 2.2, the GTCS will grant provisional registration if it is satisfied:
(a) as to the applicant’s good character and conduct in terms of his/her fitness to teach;
(b) that the applicant is a member of, or is approved in terms of, such disclosure or vetting scheme as may be in place in Scotland in order to protect children and vulnerable groups;
(c) that the applicant meets the Relevant Standard for Provisional Registration and has, in addition, met one of the following parts:
- obtained a recognised teaching qualification;
- previously held provisional registration with GTCS in a part of the Register;
- achieved the Standard for Full Registration in the primary or secondary sector of the Register, has full and current registration with GTCS for that part and the application relates to registration in an additional part of the Register; been recommended for registration in the additional part of the Register by a headteacher, principal or other GTCS approved individual; and met the requirements (academic or otherwise) published in the Memorandum on Entry Requirements for Courses of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland relevant to the additional part of the Register or, for any secondary school subject that is not covered by that Memorandum;
- met the criteria set out in Schedule 2 for applicants that have qualified as teachers outside Scotland.
(d) that it has received payment of the registration fee set by GTCS
Probationary Period of Teaching Practice
Once you become provisionally registered with the GTCS you are required to complete the period of probation to demonstrate that you meet the Standard for Full Registration.
The probationary period can be undertaken in one of the following two ways:
- By undertaking The Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS), a Scottish Government scheme administered by GTCS which provides a guaranteed one-year training post to every eligible student with a teaching qualification from one of Scotland’s universities, OR
- The Flexible Route, which is a less structured, more flexible way to complete a probationary period. The responsibility for securing a position or placement to complete a probationary period is with the applicant.
The Probationary period must be carried out in an educational establishment, (as set out in the Policy and Guidance – Provisional Registration and Probationary Service) that GTCS is satisfied matches the category of provisional registration. For the secondary or further education sectors, the service must also match the subject in which provisional registration is held and at least 55 per cent of the probationary service teaching timetable. The GTCS must be satisfied that the probationary service provides a reasonable opportunity to meet the competencies set out in the Standard for Full Registration or the appropriate standard with reference to the category of registration. The probationary period must be completed whilst in employment on a full time, part time, permanent or temporary basis.
If you are participating in the Teacher Induction Scheme, for the first subject and sector of registration, 190 working days is required to complete the probation period on a full time continuous period of employment which is subject to the Teacher Induction Scheme conditions set by the Scottish Government.
Flexible Route to Teaching
If participating in the Flexible Route, for the first subject and sector of registration, 270 working days is required (which could be reduced under certain circumstances). For any second or further subject or sector of registration, 135 working days, which again could be reduced. (see Policy and Guidance – Provisional Registration and Probationary Service).
Length of Probation Period
A probation period may be extended up to 60 days if the probationer has not yet demonstrated that he/she has met all of the competencies set out in the Standard for Full Registration but it is considered appropriate to give him/her more time to do so.
Time Limits
Time limits apply to the completion of the probationary period and obtaining full registration:
- If you are participating in the TIS, or participated in the TIS and then transferred on to the Flexible Route at any time after 1 April in the calendar year in which your TIS was due to commence, you must have completed your probationary service and obtained full registration within 3 years of the date on which provisional registration was first granted to you for the first subject and sector of registration.
- If you are participating in the Flexible Route and do not fall within (a) above, you must have completed your probationary service and obtained full registration within 5 years of the date on which provisional registration was first granted to you for the first subject and sector of registration.
- For any second or subsequent subject or sector of registration gained through GTC Scotland’s professional registration route, you must have completed your probationary service and obtained full registration relative to that subject and/or sector within 3 years of the date on which provisional registration was first granted to you in that subject or sector.
If your registration has been removed because your time limit has expired, in accordance with the Rules, you have a right to ask for that removal decision to be reviewed by a Registration Panel.
Claiming Full Registration
At the end of the probationary period full registration will be granted if the GTCS is satisfied that progress through the period of probation has been appropriately recorded and monitored through GTCS’s Probationer Profile System and a Final Profile has been submitted along with an appropriate recommendation.
Our Services
We can provide advice and guidance, or advocacy services (including representation at hearings and appeals), if instructed, to assist you in dealing with the GTCS regulator. Our fees are competitive. Give us a call on 020 3012 0402 without obligation and in strict confidence to see how we can assist you. Or, use our Contact Form.
Teachers Defence Service
Who can represent a teacher at the General Teaching Council for Scotland?
- Proceedings Attendance and representation1.7.1 A Teacher will be entitled to attend and be represented in hearing proceedings, whether by a legally qualified person or otherwise (and subject to any determination excluding him/her from proceedings in terms of rule 1.7.10).
Teachers Defence Service represents teachers in GTCS cases.
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Who can represent a teacher at the General Teaching Council for Scotland?
- Proceedings Attendance and representation1.7.1 A Teacher will be entitled to attend and be represented in hearing proceedings, whether by a legally qualified person or otherwise (and subject to any determination excluding him/her from proceedings in terms of rule 1.7.10).
Teachers Defence Service represents teachers in GTCS cases.